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Registration Info

Co-Op Application

PreK-Middle Co-Op Info

Level Up Parent-Led Co-Op for families with children in nursery - 8th grade.

  • School Year:

    • Fall: 11 weeks (September- November)

    • Spring: 11 weeks (February-April) 

  • Cost: $240 (per family, per school year)


Registration for Fall 2024 is closed

Tutorials Info

Level Up Tutorials, an instructor-led, a la carte, drop-off program for

8th - 12th graders which operates 31 [academic] weeks from Sept - May

Important Information Before Applying

Who Level Up Tutorials is For

  • Level Up Tutorials is for families who have homeschooled for at least one (1) full school year.

  • This program is a partnership between parents & tutors.

    • NOTE: Level Up is not a good fit for families who simply want to turn over responsibility of overseeing their student’s progress to someone else, nor for families that simply want to check the courses off their list.


How Level Up Tutorials Works

  • Parental Responsibilities

    • Courses & Tutors do not replace the parent as the primary educator.

    • Parents are expected to follow up to assure their student is accomplishing the required work.

    • It is required that all Level Up Students work hard & be monitored closely by their parents.

  • Student Responsibilities

    • Each student is expected to complete all assigned work from tutors outside of class time & be prepared to participate in class.

For registration process, cost of classes & payment info, please visit our Block Schedule below.

Before you proceed, make sure you understand the above content.

Here is our Registration Processing Calendar

Stay up to date on when Registration is open or closed.


Block Schedule
Academic Calendar

Important Notes About Waitlisting

1. To ensure our Tutors can work effectively with students, we have class capacity numbers to hold to. Therefore, once capacities are met, waitlisting begins.

2. You may register your student's for any WAITLISTED class, but...


3. ...waitlisting occurs in the order of reception of the registrations, and should your student be waitlisted and spots open up, we will inform you as soon as we know. From there, we can invoice you for that class.


4. We will be checking the status of classes every week on Fridays until the conclusion of registration on Aug 22, 2024.


Academic Club: Speech & Debate

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