SAMPLE FALL SEMESTER (11 weeks): Science/Social Studies
The Fall Co-Op will offer writing instruction for Primary – Jr. High. The semester will culminate with a Science Museum, Science Fair, or Final Event.
Civics (During Presidential Election years) with Final Event
Anatomy/Physiology/Nutrition with Science Museum
Geography- NC, history, country, world, maps culture with Final Culture Fair
Physical Science (excluding geology/meteorology) with Science Fair
Civics (During Presidential Election years) with Final Event
Geology/Meteorology with Science Fair
Life Science (classification animal & plant kingdoms) with Science Museum
Solar System/Oceanography with Science Fair
SAMPLE SPRING SEMESTER (11 weeks): History
The Spring co-op will offer a literature study of the time period with writing emphasis for Primary – Jr. High. Semester culminates with a drama production or final event.
Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Bible lands, Tabernacle, Seder meal with Drama
Ancient Civilizations: Greece/Rome with Drama
Middle Ages, Church History with Drama or Middle Ages Final Feast
Renaissance & Reformation with Drama or Renaissance Festival
Birth of a Nation/Revolutionary War/Colonial with Drama
Westward Expansion/Civil War with Drama
Victorian Age/Industrial Revolution/WWI & WWII with Radio Drama
Modern Age with Drama